Warning Signs That You May Need a Will Attorney


If you haven’t made a will in over a decade, it’s time to do something about that. If you have any questions about your estate planning, consult with an attorney. There are several warning signs that you may need help creating a will. Don’t wait until something happens to get professional legal help from a will attorney – take action now! 

1. You have significant assets or are expecting to inherit a lot of money. 

A warning sign that you may need a will attorney is if you have significant assets or are expecting to inherit a lot of money. A will can help protect your property and ensure that your wishes are followed after you die. If you have any questions about whether you need a will, or if you would like to make one, speak with a will lawyer

2. You are experiencing health problems or have a family history of illnesses. 

If you are experiencing health problems or have a family history of illnesses, it is important to seek legal advice about making a will. A will can protect your property and estate if you die without one. A will attorney can help you create a will that takes into account your specific needs and wishes. 

3. You are experiencing legal problems or are planning to divorce. 

If you are experiencing legal problems or are planning to divorce, it may be a good time to consider getting professional help with your will. A will lawyer can help you create and update your will, ensure that it is properly executed, and protect your estate if something happens to you. 

4. You have been involved in legal disputes or have had family law issues in the past. 

If you have been involved in legal disputes or have had family law issues in the past, it may be a good idea to get help from a will attorney. This is because wills are important documents and can help protect your estate if you die without one. If you are thinking of creating a will, it is important to know the warning signs that you may need help from an attorney. 

One sign that you may need a will attorney is if you have been involved in any legal disputes recently. This includes any legal case where money or property has been involved, whether it was won or lost. If you have had any disagreements with family members over custody or inheritance rights, this may also be a sign that you should seek professional help. 

5. You feel like you are not able to handle your own legal affairs. 

If you find yourself feeling like you are not capable of handling your own legal affairs, it may be a sign that you need the help of a will lawyer. A will can be a very important document, specifying how your property should be distributed after you die. If you do not have a will, your property may go to your children, your spouse, or even strangers. A will attorney can help you create a will and make sure that it is valid under the law. 

What are the consequences of not having a will? 

If you die without a will, your assets will be divided according to the rules of intestacy. This means that your closest relatives will get the majority of your estate. If you have any children, they’ll automatically receive half of your estate. If you don’t have any children, your spouse will get half of your estate. If you don’t have a spouse, your parents will get half of your estate. If you have any siblings, they’ll each get 1/3 of your estate. Finally, if you have no living relatives, the government will get 1/3 of your estate. 

Not having a will can lead to major problems when it comes time to distribute your assets. First, it’s possible that none of your relatives would qualify to be guardians or executors if there were any minor children involved. 


If you feel like you may need a will attorney, there are some warning signs to watch for. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or unsure about what to do, reach out for help. A will attorney can walk you through the process and make sure that your will is properly written and conforms to state law.